About Tim’s Food Obesssion


What is this blog about?
I am someone who enjoys making and eating great food.  I’ve been told that I loved to eat from the time I was a baby.  I believe it.  Food was a central element in my childhood home, and I liked it a lot.
I am also an engineer (electrical), so my food focus is on ingredients, process, and taste.  I do a lot of experimentation.  The results are usually very good.  Understanding the roots of a dish, the flavor composition from the ingredients or how they are treated, and the expected qualities of the finished product coalesce like a big equation in my mind.  It’s problem solving in a relaxed way, separate from the stresses of daily life.  Expectations in congruence with reality equals good food.
I like to share.  Food and cooking is all about the satisfaction of sharing something with others.  I have no secrets in my cooking, I will share anything I know.  Of course, you might need to ask.  On the eating side, the more happy eaters I have, the more I can cook!
I like a challenge, trying new things and new ways of doing things.   Complex preparations, multi-step processes, starting with raw materials instead of processed ingredients, cooking for large groups, cooking brings a lot of fun challenges.  Challenging projects expand my view of food and allow growth and learning.  Soon things that were challenging become routine, and they open a world of new adventures.
I have been a serious home cook for about 30 years.  I dabbled in cooking for about 10 years before that.  I know what I like, and I know what my family and friends like.  For years, folks have said, “You need to open a restaurant” or “You need to write a book.”  I didn’t think I had time for any of that.  I have a family and I have a career.  My Food Obsession has already taken over most of my spare time along with a lot of space in our home!
I started thinking about this blog a few years ago after a barrage of coincidental events.  People served me food and said they made it just like they remembered something I had made in the past.  Others told campfire stories about something I had made that stuck in their mind.  And still others asked me how I had made some dish from years gone by.  I didn’t recall much of it.  At best there were faded remnants or I would tell them, “Yes, sounds like something I would have made, and here is how I would do that today.”  My food trajectory had launched me from those things, yet they remained as the foundation of the stuff I was still doing every day.  I was still cooking and growing and gathering foods.  I just needed to find a way to capture that for my own use and to share with others.  Writing it down and snapping a few pictures didn’t really take a lot more time.
So here we have my blog, “Tim’s Food Obsession.”